Sunday, 29 August 2021

Stop Added - Mittelbau-Dora

On the way back I have added a short detour between Colditz and Hägen. 

It's the former Nazi camp called Mittelbau-Dora. It was a forced labour camp rather than a death camp. However, the numbers of inmates that died was awful.

It's on the outskirts of a town called Nordhausen. How they didn't know it was there is hard to believe. I have been before and I feel once in the area it would be good to drop in and take a look again.

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Date Confirmed

All the rally dates have been confirmed and Roman the Rally Organiser has said that he needs to know the number of rooms that the UK contingent want to book, and he needs that by the end of March 2022.

Roman will also give me a run down of the rally inn, Hotel Reoneo,  regarding rooms and prices.

Once I know the rooms that are available and the cost per night I can start the booking process with Roman. As I said earlier, although I can share I prefer to pay a bit more and have a room to myself. Medical reasons are all anyone needs to know!

Friday, 6 August 2021

Change of Hotel for First Night - May 25th

I had an email from a German friend who said that Troisdorf is not the sort of  place to stay overnight and especially not around the station area.  As a result I have changed my booking. I have cancelled B&B Hotel Troisdorf.

Instead  have booked a guesthouse/restaurant a little further south.

It does mean that the first day's riding it extended to 303 miles (according to Google maps) and thus reduces the riding on Day 2.

I guess we are already on Plan D for the outward journey.

AACZ - Invader - Calais to Vernířovice

Blog Retired!

This blog was created to share information for anyone that wanted to come with me to the Czech Centre SOC Rally in Vernirovice in May 2022. ...